Kiara Advani made her successful debut in Tollywood with Mahesh Babu's 'Bharat Ane Nenu'. The actress who had a dream start in Bollywood followed the same pattern in Tollywood too. Now, she is pairing with 'Mega Power Star' Ram Charan for 'RC12' under Oora Mass Director Boyapati Srinu direction.

The movie is progressing fast and is nearing completion. Now, the actress has spilled the beans on the movie and has spoiled a surprise for the fans. The actress revealed few details about the movie during her recent media interaction. She said, "This film is a total commercial entertainer with ample dosage of action, comedy, and family bonding.

Adding spices, this also has some twists to the tale which makes it an engaging one." As Kiara made such an open revelation about the twist, fans have gone gaga and the expectations are soaring higher. The movie is funded by DVV Danayya and is expected to hit the screens by 2019 Sankranti festival.   

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