Kajal Aggarwal who is on a winning streak is keen to continue it with her upcoming projects. The actress is working on an array of projects up her sleeve and one among them is the remake of 'Queen' in Tamil titled as 'Paris Paris'. It is helmed by Ramesh Aravind. 

Whaat?? Is Kajal engaged?

The actress is currently working on a new project where she pairs with Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas. The movie is progressing at a brisk pace. In this case, the actress also works on brand endorsements on a parallel note. Now, her past haunts her as her Telugu movie with Nithiin goes viral in Hindi.

Kajal paired with Nithiin in the movie 'Aatadista' in 2008 and now it is aired on a Hindi channel with the name 'Daring'. However, due to Kajal's glam quotient, the movie has generated huge TRP ratings. Kajal's glamour has been the talk of the town once again. Let's see whether this buys her some chances in Bollywood.

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