Controversial actress Sri Reddy has lashed out at Telugu actor Prudhvi saying that she knows all that he had did at house number 10. Sri Reddy is a controversial actress who has been exposing celebrities involved in sex for films practice in Tollywood and later in Kollywood.

Sri Reddy blasts actor Prudhvi

She had accused Sundar.C, AR Murugadoss, Raghava Lawrence and Srikanth of sexually abusing her. She had come to Chennai and went on accusing many and had thought that this might get her some offers. In such a situation she has now exposed Telugu comedy actor and YSR Congress member Prudhvi.

She has said that everyone knows the games he had played at Banjara hills house number 10, besides saying that he had misbehaved with actresses at star shows in America, adding that in such a situation offering him an MLA ticket is too much and that he's undeserving.

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