Samantha is a very popular South Indian actress, who made her entry into films after her initial modeling assignments and debuted with screen name Yashoda in Moscowin Cauvery, however, the first film of her to release was Baana Kaathadi, which was a failure. But she bounced back and became a topmost actress

Samantha was too comfortable!

Samantha who had a dream start to 2018 was looking to continue the same winning streak in the latter half of the year. However, her winning streak ended as 'Seema Raja' flopped at the Box-Office. But, her own project 'U-Turn' was a huge success.

Samantha was too comfortable!

The team recently conducted a success meet and Samantha who was hyperactive was seen dancing and jumping in joy. Now, we bring some of the photos from the success meet and you can take a look at them below,

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