Slender waist beauty Rakul Preet Singh was last seen in the Bollywood flick Aiyaary directed by Neeraj Pandey and costarring Siddharth Malhotra and Manoj Bajpai. The movie had the actress playing a techie and she had pinned all hopes on this movie to make a comeback to Bollywood after a disastrous start with Yaariyan.
However, Aiyaary was a colossal disaster and Neeraj Pandey faced the first-ever flop of his career. However, luckily Rakul Preet Singh got a huge respite as she was signed by Bollywood action hero Ajay Devgn to star opposite him in Akiv Ali directorial romantic entertainer De De Pyar De also starring Tabu.
Rakul had been told to gain few extra pounds for her role in the movie as there were numerous action scenes and hence she had increased weight a bit and now for her new Tamil movie, she's been advised to reduce weight and she's on a gym hitting spree and is seen working out day and night to get flat abs and a sexy waistline.