Trisha is returning back to the film industry after a long hiatus. The actress who was idle for a long time recently gave a comeback with '96' and the movie even had a TV premiere last Diwali. She is now busy with her next release 'Garjanai'.

Trisha has always been the pawn as she is in the industry for more than 15 years. Earlier, when Suchileaks scandal shocked Tamil cinema, it was Trisha who was the first name in the radar. Suchi even leaked a photo of Trisha kissing Rana and also a photo of Dhanush and Trish. But the actress never responded. Now, it seems what suchileaks has exposed is true.

Suchileaks exposed Trisha with Dhanush and recently both Trisha and Dhanush are seen close and intimate in a party. Not only, Trisha, but even Nayantara and Shirya were also seen close with Dhanush. It was obvious all were in an inebriated state and were enjoying each other's presence. Take a look at the photos below,

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