Malayalam heartthrob Dulquer Salmaan has been making waves in other industries as well, as he made his Tollywood debut earlier this year with the classic blockbuster Mahanati where he played Tamil legend Gemini Ganesan to perfection, winning accolades and had a winning start.

He also made his debut in Bollywood earlier last year with the Akash Khurrana directorial venture Karwaan, costarring Mithila Palkar and Irrfan Khan which though was not a hit, but fetched Dulquer good reviews, Dulquer is currently starring alongside Sonam Kapoor in Zoya Factor.

Even as he's doing Zoya factor, there was news that Dulquer has been roped in to play the lead role in his next production venture based on IAF pilot Gunjan Saxena's life, starring Jahnvi Kapoor, and now, the buzz is that he has been replaced by Angad Bedi to play Jahnvi's love interest. Earlier this year he lost his role in Manmarziyaan to Vicky Kaushal.

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