Priyanka Chopra is no longer a National Treasure. The dusky babe has expanded her boundaries and is now working on Hollywood projects. She even attended the Royal Wedding as Meghan's Bridesmaid. She is currently working on the final season of 'Quantico'.

HOTTEST EXPOSURE of Priyanka Chopra at Tiffany Blue Book collection launch - 19 HD Photos Inside

The actress even married Nick Jonas and her wedding took place on a grand scale last year. She shared photos of her husband and herself quite often on the social media. The duo was too happy and they shared their happiness together on the social media.

HOTTEST EXPOSURE of Priyanka Chopra at Tiffany Blue Book collection launch - 19 HD Photos Inside

In this case, the actress faced an Oops moment recently during a Talk show in Hollywood. The actress was wearing a cleavage-revealing outfit and was exposing too much. Now, we bring the latest hot photos of Piggy Chops and you can take a look at them below,

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