Last Year, in Vijay TV actress and model Raiza Wilson is one among the contestants in Bigg Boss and sources, have stated that recently she had acted in a few movies. She had acted as Kajol's assistant in Dhanush's 'VIP 2'.

Bigg Boss's Raiza Wilson in VIP 2

The actress made her debut as a heroine in the movie 'Pyaar Prema Kaadhal' and it was a huge hit. She even acted in 'Arjun Reddy' Tamil remake 'Varma' which was shelved recently. She recently works on a new movie with GV Prakash and 'Alice'. Both movies are in various stages of production.

In this case, the actress has recently signed a movie where she will be essaying the role of a prostitute. The actress has decided to go BOLD and recently she signed the dotted line for that movie. A Photoshoot has been completed, and Raiza was totally breathtaking. Take a look at that photo below,

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