The Web Series heat has taken over Bollywood totally. After Kiara Advani scoring big with her Netflix 'Lust Stories', now another actor has entered the new world. It is none other than Jackie Shroff. He has acted in a Web series titled 'Criminal Justice' and it is a remake of the 2008 BBC Web-series of the same name.

Jackie Shroff will be seen as the father of a cab driver who is accused of killing a passenger with whom he had a one night stand. Regarding this new platform, Jackie said, "Yes, this is my official debut after 40 years and I have already acted in some short films. I really find this platform interesting."

Apart from Jackie, this show also has Vikrant Massey, Pankaj Tripathi, Mita Vashisht, and Anupriya Goenka. Jackie further added, "This platform is too good and I had the chance to work with very good actors. My children love these actors and they are happy that I am working with these people."

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