kajal aggarwal who is on a winning streak is keen to continue it with her upcoming projects. The actress is working on an array of projects up her sleeve and one among them is the remake of 'Queen' in Tamil titled as 'Paris Paris'. It is helmed by Ramesh Aravind. 

Most of the leading directors cast kajal aggarwal as the female lead opposite lead heroes, as she knows to present her as a hot beauty and also displays her curvy assets and make everyone go gaga on her sexy hot body. That's why her market is still on the pinnacle.

In this case, a Tamil director has shocked everyone by saying, "How many days we can see the sexy kajal aggarwal from other movies? So, I myself have made her like 'THIS'..." and he uploaded the photo. The news was immediately taken screenshot and was posted on the news channel Thanthi TV. The photo is going viral.

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