kajal aggarwal who is on a winning streak is keen to continue it with her upcoming projects. The actress is working on an array of projects up her sleeve and one among them is the remake of 'Queen' in Tamil titled as 'Paris Paris'. It is helmed by Ramesh Aravind. 

Kajal reveals more Hotness in her Photoshoot - We bet you will drool on these for sure - HOT PHOTOS INSIDE

She is also a clear professional who has been in the industry for more than 14 years. She is still the topmost actress among the top league of actresses. She clearly knows to be choosy in her movies and she easily scores Hits and Blockbusters. 

Kajal to do an item number in <a class='inner-topic-link' href='/search/topic?searchType=search&searchTerm=SPORTS' target='_blank' title='click here to read more about SPORTS'>sports</a> movie?

Now, there are reports that Kajal has been approached to do a special item song for a Tamil actor's movie. The director has already helmed Kajal and 'That' hero for a hit movie and now to capitalize on that luck factor, he has approached Kajal to do an item number. We have to wait and see whether she accepts the offer or not.

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