Malayalam girl Ivana, debuted last year in Tamil with critically acclaimed director Bala's Naachiyaar starring alongside bubbly babe jyothika and as the lover of music director turned actor GV Prakash and the movie was successful.

Now ivana is a part of Irumbuthirai fame PS Mithran directorial action thriller movie Hero which has Siva karthikeyan' target='_blank' title='click here to read more about karthikeyan'>karthikeyan as hero and Arjun as Villain and bankrolled by KJR Studios. Mallu babe Kalyani priyadarshan makes her Tamil debut with this movie.

Image result for malayalam actress ivana

Earlier it was said that ivana might be playing the sister of Siva karthikeyan' target='_blank' title='click here to read more about karthikeyan'>karthikeyan in the movie, and may netizens started spreading the rumor that she is fit for sister roles and she dismissed the rumor saying that she won't act in sister roles.

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