2016 saw the release of the horror comedy Devi/Abhinetri directed by AL Vijay, which had milky white beauty Tamannaah starring alongside india's Michael Jackson prabhu deva and sonu sood, which was a sleeper hit. The movie got released in 3 languages and it was a huge success.
2 years after its release, now the sequel Devi 2 is released and it has Tamannaah and prabhu deva reuniting. And now there's 'Khamoshi' where they act again together. But even before that, there's another movie which will bring them together. Yep! This is for real. But this time it will happen for a different director.
It has been announced that Tamannaah and prabhu deva will be paired in an upcoming action thriller which will be directed by actor/ director R Parthiepan. Tamanna was recently spotted coming out of that director's home by night and she was captured by the Paparazzi. She was wearing a sleeveless dress revealing her thighs and it was a treat to watch. Take a look at that photos below,