The Bollywood beauty Niddhi Agerwal had made her film debut, with the 2017 dud munna Michael, costarring tiger shroff. However, the movie, despite also having the talented nawazuddin siddiqui had failed big time and had almost ended her Bollywood dreams.

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However, south came calling for her, as she was signed to play the female lead in a few projects. The actress recently opened up that she is open to south Indian projects. Despite she failed a couple of times with Akkineni's, she is comfortable in Telugu.

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In this case, the actress has oozed the oomph all the way and has shocked everyone with her shocking exposure from iSmart Shankar. The movie was a huge success and she is quite happy. Recently, during a media interaction, she revealed that she will run to Puri Jagannath whenever he calls as he has given her the first break in her career. She said she will work with him anytime irrespective of her call sheet dates.

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