Okay, most of you from Tamil Nadu or kerala would have seen her in the TV serial 'Paarijaatham'. The bi-lingual serial is one huge success and the reason behind that is actress Rasna. The Malayalee beauty is now missing for a while and a statewide hunt is going in order to find her.


But now a source spilled the beans that her whereabouts are known to only one person in the industry. The source further added that Rasna had an illicit affair with a married TV serial producer who is already married and having kids.


Due to the affair, Rasna got pregnant and she even became a mother of a kid. Due to this, she is keeping a low profile right now. The source finally confirmed that the producer is keeping Rasna at a secret hideout where no one can visit her.


Even Malayalam media reported about the speculations on the whereabouts of the actress. Currently, everyone are wondering where she is. The Producer's name was not disclosed in any media so far due to unknown reasons.

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