BJP member Subramanian Swamy has maintained himself as someone always against Superstar Rajnikanth and Ulaga Nayagan Kamal Haasan, and even while people like Prime Minister Narendra
modi and others leaders praise them, Subramanian Swamy doesn't respect them.
During a recent press meet with media when asked on Rajnikanth's support to BJP, he said that Rajnikanth has never supported BJP, and added he did not speak of the release of people accused in the
rajiv gandhi assassination case or about three language policy implementation.
He further added Rajnikanth for many years has been saying he will launch his own political party but never did it and called it as Rajni's drama and also requested Tamil Nadu BJP not to
believe him and asked current TN BJP leaders to resign. Diehard fans of Superstar
rajinikanth had been waiting ever since 1995 Baasha times for Rajni to make his political arrival but the actor had been making promises off the screen and teasing with punch dialogues onscreen about his political career.