Actress Anita Hassanandani has revealed that even she had faced the serious troubles of the casting couch. Anita had made her debut in Kollywood opposite Bhrathiraja's son Manoj K bharathi in the film Varushamellam Vasantham. She was later seen opposite Chiyaan vikram in the vigilante flick Samurai. 

After Sukran, Anita had not been active in Tamil films, and had then gone on to star in Telugu and Hindi movies, and is now busy acting in Hindi serials. Anita has now revealed that it is a common phenomenon in the film industry to invite heroines for sexual favors, in return for movie offers. She had thanked producer ekta kapoor for giving her a perfect platform to act and said that if the beginning is good, the journey in the industry will automatically be good, but still, i had to struggle, said Anita. 

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Actresses have to think well and plan to come out of such casting couch troubles. Nothing can be done, as the whole industry is like that, but now, the situation prevailing is better, unlike the times when I was in the industry active, said Anita.With Bollywood actresses slowly opening up and fighting against Casting couch, now Anita also accepting and opening up has raised eyebrows. Anita is currently playing an important role in Nagini season 3.

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