As per the latest report, it was stated that priya Prakash Varrier, who became a heartthrob with just a wink, is still one of the most sought after newcomers when it comes to brand endorsements. Meanwhile, after she was featured in a TV commercial for Nestle Munch during the cricketing season, the newcomer has been signed up as the new face of south india Shopping Mall.

Image result for <a class='inner-topic-link' href='/search/topic?searchType=search&searchTerm=PRIYA' target='_blank' title='click here to read more'>priya</a> Prakash Varrier in nestle ad

Moreover, for the past few years, actors like genelia and later, Akhil and Samantha were the brand ambassadors of this lifestyle brand. Presently as per report thanks to her popularity, the brand has signed up priya Varrier for a new campaign.

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Media report stated that a TV commercial has already been shot with the actress who was last seen in Oru Adaar Love. Furthermore, she is also said to be in talks for a few Tamil and Telugu films, and an official announcement is expected to be made soon. Keep watching for more refreshments.

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