Director Jeetu Joseph had debuted in Tamil with the 2015 flick papanasam starring Ulaga Nayagan Kamal Haasan, Nivetha Thomas, Gauthami and Asha Sarath and the movie was a blockbuster. Four years later he's now directing a family thriller, with Karthi and jyothika as siblings, and veteran actor sathyaraj playing their father. The team started shooting in goa and then moved on to Ooty.
Now it has been made official that the movie has been wrapped, and cinematographer RD Rajasekhar announced this on his twitter handle. The movie also features Nikhila Vimal, Ammu Abhirami, Anson Paul, and will be a November release after the diwali festival.
Actor Karthi had last delivered the romantic entertainer Dev, and his next movie Kaithi helmed by Maanagaram fame lokesh Kanagaraj was wrapped before few days and he is now busy with his next by Jeethu Joseph of papanasam fame. This family thriller is set in goa and will feature jyothika and Karthi as siblings, with veteran actor sathyaraj touted to be playing their father.