Actress taapsee pannu began her film career down south with movies like jhummandi nadham and Aadukalam and now has become the most bankable heroine in bollywood with her consistent movie choices and was seen recently in the multilingual thriller Game Over. tapsee pannu who had modest beginnings in tamil and telugu with Aadukalam and JHummandi Naadham, had started off her bollywood career with Chashme Baddoor, but that did not work wonders for her, but pink did the trick and got her much more interesting offers.
taapsee pannu who recently scored a success in tollywood with a horror-comedy is now looking to set her foot in bollywood and she has toned her body and has done a bikini show. She's just insanely hot in a two-piece bikini and it's quite a treat to watch!
We bring you 24 Hot Photos of the hot chick in the bikini and we are sure they are stare-worthy and droolworthy!