'Nayaki' was a telugu Retro horror comedy directed by Goverdhan Reddy. The movie featured trisha and ganesh venkatraman in lead roles. The movie was produced by giridhar mamidipally who was Trisha's former PRO. He has produced the movie under the Giridhar Production house banner.
raghu kunche has worked on the music and karthik -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>sai karthik provided background score. The technical team featured Jagadeesh Cheekati and gautham Raju for editing. sushma Raj, Satyam Rajesh, Jayaprakash, Manobala, kovai sarala and brahmanandam are part of the supporting cast.
The movie is not up to its mark and it was a huge failure. Now, the movie is going to hindi and the makers are planning to rope in trisha to do the female lead role. However, the hindi version is going to be funded by the same Ullu Originals team and already there is a buzz it is going to be a soft porn as all Ullu originals are 'Adults only' category. Stay tuned for more updates.