priya bhavani shankar who started her career as a news Reader in a leading channel soon grabbed a big chance of being a Serial actress. The serial was a huge hit and soon she formed a fan base. However, she dropped the serial and decided to marry her long-term boyfriend.
But, all of a sudden, she surprised everyone and acted in a feature film and to her 'Luck', the movie became a sleeper hit. Despite, it released with 'Mersal', the movie tasted a huge success. priya bhavani shankar also earned a good name and reputation after the success.
Regarding the success, priya bhavani shankar said, "I know my limits. Just like serial, I will act in stories that suit me. I know the glamour factor which I can work on. I will act in character-based roles than just being a glam doll." Currently, she works along with vijay sethupathi for 'a new project and she also bagged Karthi's next project where she also works with Anupama Parameshwaran. In the yet-to-be-titled movie, she acts along with Sayyesha Saigal. The shooting happens in paris currently. Stay tuned for more updates.