janani iyer who is known for her performance in films like Thegidi and Avan Ivan later faded away with disasters like Pagan. She was last seen in Jai's 'Balloon' and she appeared in the flashback portions and got accolades for her performance. She even entered the bigg boss house for the second season.


So here are some unknown facts about janani Iyer. janani iyer is a B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Student and while studying itself she has featured in more than 150 advertisements. She often aimed for the big screen and she did some cameo roles in movies like 'VTV' and 'Thiru Thiru Thuru Thuru'.


She had the recommendation of director AL vijay and there are reports that she might marry him after his divorce with Amala Paul. Now, she is quite known for homely roles and characters. But she has done a glamor role too in her career which has gone unnoticed. Well, if it's hard for you to digest and believe, you can take a look at them below. They are from an unreleased tamil movie which later got a wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital release alone. Take a look at the photo from the movie below,


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