Actress Indhuja debuted as an actress with the karthik Subbaraj bankrolled romantic comedy Meyaadha Maan released way back in 2017, and after the movie helmed by Rathna Kumar she acted in the disastrous Billa Paandi and also was a part of the web series Thiravam.
Now Indhuja who was last seen in a blink and you miss appearance in the web movie Igloo starring Anju Kurien and Amzath Khan, she will be seen next pairing with music director turned actor vijay antony in director Senthilkumar's cop thriller Khaki which also stars sathyaraj and Srikanth.
Indhuja will be seen on screen next in the comic crime drama Super Duper which will feature actor dhruva known for playing the lead role in the disastrous movie  Aanmai Thavarel and helmed by debutant AK and the latest update is that SuperDuper has been censored U/A in the kannada version too. The actress recently revealed that she is happy with the success of 'Bigil' and she is flooded with offers after the stupendous success of the movie in her career so far.

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