According to tollywood sources it was stated that When asked about doing a bollywood movie, mahesh babu said a strict no and vijay devarakonda stated that he could do a bilingual rather straight hindi movie. But allu arjun is the one who gave an immediate 'yes' when quizzed about bollywood debut. So, what direction he would go now?


Meanwhile saying that each actor will have their own individual opinion, bunny stated that he is looking forward to debut in Bollywood. So what kind of movies he wants to do? "Actually bollywood makes genre-specific content, but in tollywood, we have mixed-genre movies. But I would like to do films like uri that match even my stardom as well" he says.


Won't he need to start all over again in bollywood like a newcomer if he has to debut there? "I've started as a newcomer in tollywood also and climbed the ladder. So there is no problem doing that again. But my only problem is my hindi language speaking skills and I've to overcome that to make a debut here".As the star hero opened up on his bollywood entry, will the hindi directors now approach him with stories? Will it be that easy for bunny like how ram charan did a Zanjeer 2.0 there? Allu Arjun's fans will be very much excited to hear the news and stay tuned for more updates.

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