Recently varun dhawan clarified rumours of his wedding with longtime girlfriend natasha Dalal, and said that they were no such plans at present. Meanwhile the actor and his family were seen at Natasha's house on wednesday, and it was reported that they were there to make the wedding plans. But they were in fact there for a birthday party.However, Varun's uncle anil dhawan said in a recent interview that the family really wants varun to get married soon.


Furthermore anil told "Hona toh chahiye. It's high time varun got married. We all want it (to happen)." Talking about the celebration on wednesday, anil said, "We hadn't met each other in a long time and we don't know each other well. So, they invited us over for dinner. It was a birthday party, but they wanted the families to meet as well, as everyone is busy with their respective lives."


Moreover when asked if varun and natasha were planning a May or june wedding, he replied, "No date or month has been fixed yet. It will be announced whenever it happens." natasha and varun have been in a relationship for a long time now. They are not very out there with social media PDA, but they are sometimes spotted attending events together. Recently, the two of them were seen holidaying in switzerland, and were snapped with virat kohli and anushka Sharma. Stay tuned for more information about the actor.

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