The slender waist beauty Rakul Preet Singh, who was last seen in tamil in Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru, and in telugu in the disastrous spyder is unfazed by failures and is currently shooting for multiple movies in multiple languages and the sexy babe was spotted during a vacation in Ibiza.


rakul Preet may not have the best of times right now as her recent releases are totally ending up as disasters and she is aiming to make a strong comeback with her new projects. The actress recently launched her own app and she joins the elite club of actresses who owns an Official App.


The actress also focuses on Hot Magazine Photoshoots and spicy ramp walk shows. In this case, the actress confirmed that she completed the first schedule of shooting for 'Ayalaan' through her instagram stories. The actress is currently enjoying her vacation in Ibiza and recently she updated her bikini photos and shocked everyone. Now, as per sources, rakul is likely to sport a Bikini in the same movie and she has already been paid a fat paycheck.

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