Accordingly radhika Sarathkumar often gets into controversies and arguments with people on social media. She is called a firebrand for her frankness and courageous behaviour on and off screen. The actress has always been asked by netizens why she calls radhika Sarathkumar as aunt, and in the recent interview she has given to a tamil channel, the actress has said radhika is her father's second wife and not her biological mother.
She said Each one of us will have only one mother and her mother. Her mother in my mother. radhika will always be an aunt to me. She don't hate her and in fact she share a good rapport with her. Even Rayane has got a different father. But my dad has been an extremely good father to her and has been part of all the marriage rituals and has done everything perfectly. people keep saying something or the other and we have to move on.
Currently the Sarkar actress is awaiting the release of her upcoming film Velvet Nagaram, in which she has played the role of a journalist. In the same interview, Varalaxmi even spoke about how women in the industry are being body shamed, and has said that she stopped caring and being bothered about what others say.