Badhaai Do, the second installment to Ayushmann Khurrana’s Badhaai Ho (2018), will go on floors in June. Harshavardhan Kulkarni will helm the film as director, with bhumi pednekar and rajkummar rao have been cast in lead roles. akshat ghildial and suman Adhikary have come together to write the social comedy, which will release by early 2021. Rajkummar will essay the role of a delhi cop, the only male cop in a women's thana. Bhumi will be seen playing the role of a school PT teacher. The film traces what follows after their lives intertwine.

In a statement, rajkummar rao said, My character is surrounded by strong women at home and at work and that adds immense depth to his personality. Bhumi said that the film will deliver its message in an extremely relevant and relatable but in the most hilarious manner. She described her character as strong, independent and author-backed.

Badhaai Ho, first in the franchise, had in its ensemble Aysuhmann Khuranna, sanya malhotra, surekha sikri, neena gupta and Gajraj Rao. It followed the story of a middle-aged couple who get pregnant, unexpectedly. The film is a hilarious take on how society considers the idea of pregnancy and sexual intercourse to be a taboo, especially depending on a person’s age and life cycle.

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