ranveer singh starrer ‘83' was gearing up for its release with a massive buzz around it. The coronavirus outbreak happened to be a roadblock and everything came to a standstill. Now if the reports are to be believed, director kabir khan and the team are aiming for a june 25 release and this is the same day india brought the 1983 world cup trophy home.
For the unversed, ranveer singh who plays legendary cricketer kapil dev in the world cup biopic ’83 announced recently that the release date has been pushed. It was being said that the new date will only be announced post the virus takes a backseat. Now according to a report in bollywood Hungama, the makers are looking for a june 25 release. A source close to the development said, “June 25 is a special day as that’s when india lifted the world cup 27 years back by defeating the West-Indies cricket team at Lords. No better occasion to relive the moment than this day. It’s as if destiny wanted the film to arrive on this particular day.”
If not june 25 the makers have thought of releasing their ode to the sport on august 15, that is our Independence day. “That’s an option for an extreme scenario, but they are optimistic that things would be back to normal by summer end. A wait and watch scenario is being adopted for now, with a team keeping an eye on the on ground scenario,” said the source.