mumbai based beauty malavika Sharma had made her film debut through the telugu flick nela ticket, directed by soggade chinni nayana, Rarandoi veduka chudam fame kalyan krishna and costarring mass Maharaja ravi Teja. The film was expected to be a Pucca mass entertainer with ravi teja brand comedy and fun, but ended a damp squib, impacting the career of malavika Sharma.
The actress has been studying law and had taken up acting due to her interest. Malvika was supposed to star in another biggie post-Nela ticket but after seeing the results of nela ticket, the makers of the movie decided to not cast her in the movie considering her as a negative. Now, the actress known for her hot instagram posts has decided that join dance classes to get more feminine traits and initially began with kathak classes.
Now, she has taken up to pole dancing, a sexy form of dance for fitness as well as flexibility, and is seen posting pole dance video updates on her instagram account. With this pole dancer avatar, one can surely expect Malvika Sharma to bag new movies and sizzle on screen with sensuous dance moves oozing oomph.