Actor Vetri started his career with the debut directorial venture of Sri Ganesh, the Crime thriller 8 Thottakkal which earned rave reviews and after this, he was seen acting in the recently released critically acclaimed crime thriller Jiivi which was also made by a debutant named VJ Gopinath.
Besides Vetri, Jiivi also featured experienced performers such as Karunakaran, Rohini, and mime gopi and received a great response and turned out to be the second consecutive good venture starring Vetri and the actor has now decided to join hands with debutant directors again. 
Vetri is all set to be seen next in a  psychological thriller which will have him playing the role of a murder crime accused who gets loss of memory and this untitled project will have him paired with debutant Meghna and will be helmed by the duo Syam and praveen in their debut outing. The same actor is now a part of a multistarrer movie Kalathil Santhippom co-starring promising actor Arulnithi in lead role and the movie is in its final phase of shoot gearing up for release

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