Ever since mohit suri has announced a sequel to his much loved 2014 film, Ek Villain, the sequel has often hit headlines. Featuring aditya roy kapur, john abraham as the two villains of the film, the sequel was initially being called Ek Villain 2. But if the industry grapevine is anything to go by, it is being said that mohit suri has decided to rename the sequel. While there is no idea about when shoots of any kind will resume, there certainly is significant progress that Suri has made on the ground level.


Opening up about the change of title, a certain source has revealed that owing to the fact that the film will feature two mainstream actors in pivotal roles as villains, mohit suri has decided to call the film Do Villain! Yes, that really might happen. source has been quoted saying, “The film was earlier titled Ek Villain 2. But now it’s called Do Villain. It makes sense for this new title as it’s the part 2 of the franchise. Also, as Mohit said while announcing the film that it is about a fight between bad versus worse and in other words a tale of villain versus villain. He also confirmed that both Aditya and john are playing negative characters. As a result, the team decided to zero in on Do Villain as the title.” 


Meanwhile, for those of you who have joined in late, released in 2014, Ek Villain featured riteish deshmukh, shraddha kapoor and sidharth malhotra in lead roles.While the film went on to become a rage among the youth, fans have high hopes from the sequel to which will feature disha patani and tara sutaria alongside the men in the film.

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