Shah Rukh Khan’s next project is the biggest mystery that has kept everyone intrigued. While the actor is yet to announce it officially, several reports suggest that amongst a couple of scripts that he has finalized, one will be directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The 3 Idiots filmmaker had apparently offered multiple projects to Shah Rukh Khan in the past but nothing really worked out. However, this time the probability is pretty high and we can expect an official announcement very soon. In fact, some reports also say that the reason why the Zero actor has not officially announced the project yet is because rajkumar hirani has asked him not to.
According to film critic rajeev Masand’s column in the Open Magazine, rajkumar hirani has suggested that Shah Rukh Khan shouldn’t make any official announcement till the script for their next is finalised. The filmmaker is already busy penning it with his favourite writer, Abhijat Joshi. The duo has written multiple drafts and the same have been shared with the actor. However, the exchanging of ideas between them has delayed the scripting process but Hirani assumes it will be finalised very soon. It’s only when they have a bound script in their hands that they will announce their collaboration to his fans.
Coming to the project, the king Khan starrer will likely be a light-hearted film. “Rajkumar Hirani Productions and Shah Rukh Khan’s red Chillies Entertainment will co-produce the SRK starrer. Hirani’s regular writer Abhijat Joshi will script the film which is about immigration. It will be a light-hearted film. But would have a deep dramatic core to it. Most importantly, it is something Shah Rukh has not done before,” a source close to the development had earlier said to bollywood Hungama.