Petite beauty nidhi Agarwal who made her bollywood debut opposite tiger shroff in the disastrous flick munna Michael ventured into tollywood with savyasachi opposite Nag Chaitanya. Now, she is making her debut in tamil with Ravi. Much before her debut flick progresses, the actress is in news.
The 25-year-old bengaluru babe has made headlines by refusing to endorse a leading fairness Cream brand. The brand had reportedly approached her with a big offer, but she refused it politely as it was against her principles. nidhi said that she'll not be supporting anything that discriminates.
Meanwhile, her debut tamil movie went on floors recently. The movie has a debut actor and it will be funded by lakshmi movie Makers who earlier produced movies with senior actors like ajith and Vijay. However, south came calling for her, as she was signed to play the female lead in a few projects. The actress recently opened up that she is open to south Indian projects. Despite she failed a couple of times with Akkineni's, she is comfortable in Telugu.