bollywood babe kiara advani, who was launched in salman khan production Fugly, had later made a mark as sakshi dhoni in ms dhoni The Untold Story, that catapulted her to stardom, winning her instant recognition. However, her next flick Machine did not do as well as expected.
Now, the beauty has signed a deal to play a crucial role in Salman's 'Insha Allah' which also features alia Bhatt. The movie will be helmed by sanjay leela bhansali and will be an Eid 2021 release. kiara advani is already a known face with movies like 'Fugly', 'MS Dhoni: The Untold Story'. But the success of 'Bharat Ane Nenu' has elevated her career to a whole new level. The movie already shattered several records at the Box-Office.
In this case, the actress has failed with 'Mega Powerstar' ram charan under boyapati srinu direction. Her recent web series release 'Lust Stories' and 'Guilty' on Netflix got a good response from the audience. She is quite happy with her professional career. In this case, the actress was recently roped in as a brand ambassador for a coconut oil company and she has demanded a huge sum.