kannada Actor chiranjeevi Sarja took his last breath on sunday as he died due to a massive heart attack. He was 39 years old. The actor was admitted to a private hospital on saturday as he faced breathlessness and chest pain. A group of doctors attended him and he failed to respond to the treatment and he took his last breath on Sunday.


His throat swab sample was sent for coronavirus testing. He is also the nephew of Actor arjun sarja and grandson of Veteran kannada actor shakti Prasad. chiru was born in Bangalore. He completed his schooling in Baldwin Boys High school, Banglore. Graduated from Vijaya college, Bangalore. He worked as an Assistant director with his uncle arjun sarja for about 4 years.


chiranjeevi made his debut in the kannada movie Vayuputra in the lead role. Since then he has acted in more than 20 films including 'Chirru', 'Sinrga', 'Amma I love You' and 'Aatagara' and had earned much appreciation from fans. His upcoming movie 'Raja Marthanda' is in post-production stage, and three other movies were being filmed. On behalf of Team india Herald, we extend our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. 

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