rana daggubati and Miheeka Bajaj is the new couple in town. After their roka ceremony on May 21 at Rama Naidu Studios, there has been a lot of rumours about the couple's wedding. According to a reliable source close to rana Daggubati, the couple will get married on august 8. For the past couple of days, it was rumoured that their wedding might get postponed due to the novel coronavirus outbreak. However, a source close to the Baahubali actor quashed it as a rumour. "Contrary to rumours, the wedding is not postponed. It will happen on august 8, as per plan," the source added.
When asked about the venue of the wedding, the source said, "It is too soon to reveal the details. Both the families are planning the logistics." Earlier, rana Daggubati's father suresh babu said that the wedding will happen in hyderabad in the presence of family members of the bride and groom. He also stressed on the fact that they will adhere to the government guidelines and follow social distancing.
rana daggubati and Miheeka Bajaj have known each other for several years as the latter is Venkatesh's daughter Ashritha's classmate. However, the couple decided to get married just before the nationwide lockdown was announced. In an instagram live session, rana daggubati revealed that he has finally found his partner in Miheeka. He said, "I think I found the strangest time to get married. I reconnected with her a couple of months ago and I felt that I can do this long term with her. Actually, she knew what I was going to ask over the phone. So, I met her in person and said a bunch of nice things. She was shocked at first, but was happy." Miheeka Bajaj is the founder of the event management company, Dew Drop Design Studio.