bollywood Industry's actress shraddha kapoor has always been guarded about her personal life. There has been tattle about her and celebrity photographer Rohan Shrestha for a while now. Looks like the two were missing each other sorely because as soon as the lockdown was eased, she was spotted by fans enjoying a bike ride with Shrestha in the suburbs. Both wore masks and Kapoor even wore a cap to avoid attracting any attention as the pillion rider. If they had worn helmets, they would have probably gone incognito.
Meanwhile even though several lockdown restrictions have been lifted, riding pillion is not allowed. Perhaps the actor was unaware of it and realised it later. She made sure her team instructed the paps to not circulate the pictures. But who will stop fans from putting them online? On the work front, shraddha kapoor will be next seen in Malang 2, a mohit suri film.
Moreover it was stated that on the other hand, she also has a film with ranbir kapoor coming up that has been directed by Luv Ranjan. This film will release on march 26 next year.