Actor dhanush had last acted in gautham Vasudev menon directorial Enai Nokki Paayum Thotta which was released after long delays and the movie ended a disaster despite being a pretty decent entertainer, and then he arrived with his 39th movie Pattas.

Pattas had dhanush playing dual roles as father and son, with the father character being an expert in the ancient martial art Adimurai and he gets betrayed and killed by the evil antagonist played by naveen Chandra, and now the son dhanush is helped by mother sneha and takes revenge.
Also starring mehreen pirzada, this movie bankrolled by Satyajyothi films got released on january 15. Earlier pattas movie director Durai senthilkumar and dhanush had delivered the hit political entertainer Kodi, but this time, the duo failed miserably with 'Pataas'. In this case, Dhanush's 40th movie titled as 'Jagame Thanthiram' was helmed by karthik Subbaraj and the movie which should have been released by May is now facing struggles due to the Corona pandemic. In this case, the makers are also looking other options to release the movie on OTT platform at the earliest. Let's see if dhanush can score a hit on OTT platform.

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