Ace cinematographer PC Sreeram said on social media that he will team with director gautham Vasudev menon for a web series to premiere on amazon prime video platform which will start shooting post the lockdown.


It was said that this web series has been named as Maththakam, referring to the forehead of a war elephant, and this crime drama will be a cop and gangster action-packed thriller. The latest buzz is that Maththakam will feature gautham Vasudev menon in the lead and will be helmed by Prasath Murugesan. Prasath Murugesan made Kidari starring sasikumar and co-directed the ramya krishnan starrer queen alongside gautham Vasudev Menon.


kollywood industry sources have reported that is a known fact that the industry's versatile actor Chiyaan vikram has completed shooting the film in the direction of stylish director gautam Vasudev Menon.

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