bollywood actor vicky kaushal on wednesday shared a throwback picture, showcasing his chiselled physique from 2016 crime-thriller 'Raman Raghav 2.0' as the film clocked 4 years of its release. The 'Uri: The Surgical Strike' star put out a post on instagram, wherein, he is seen shirtless, putting on displaying his 6-pack abs. Along with the post, Vicky shared the lyrics of a song from lead co-actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui's popular crime-drama 'Gangs of Wasseypur 2.' 


He wrote, "Taar bijalee se patale hamaare piya." With the post hitting instagram, fans and celebrity followers including vikrant massey flooded the post with more than 3 lakh likes within just 53 minutes of being posted. huma qureshi commented in admiration of the post and left 3 heart emojis. tv show host manish paul also commented with reference to the caption, and wrote, "Lean and how!!!"


Directed by anurag kashyap, the film, 'Raman Raghav 2.0' besides Vicky and stars Nawaz, the movie also features debutante Sobhita Dhulipala. The plot of the flick depicts in eight chapters the cat and mouse chase of serial killer Ramanna essayed by Siddiqui and a corrupt cop Raghavan played by Kaushal. The film is based on real-life killer Raman Raghav, who operated in mumbai during the 1960s.

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