bollywood actress deepika padukone may not be the one to discuss at length her process to get into her challenging film roles, but we do get our hands on some information every now and then about what goes behind the making of her characters. A source close to the actress revealed that "Deepika dedicates some time of her day daily to read at least a few pages of her Shakun Batra film script. While she doesn't want to over-prepare, she also doesn't want to lose touch with her character completely as that's the film she will start shooting for after the lockdown is lifted." If not for the lockdown, the actress would have finished one schedule of the film in Sri Lanka. deepika had earlier shared her experience on working next with Shakun Batra and his taste in cinema which excites her to get on the sets for his next that she is a part of.
Meanwhile deepika has time and again, brought some memorable characters to life on the screen. With every film, the actress has successfully brought a new character that the audiences have loved and celebrated. Be it Naina, Veronica, Padmavati or Leela the characters are proof of the intensive preparation that she makes sure to go through each time.
Moreover it was stated that Shakun Batra's film also stars ananya Panday and Siddhant Chaturvedi. Apart from this, the actress also has Kabir Khan's 83 coming up where she reunites with ranveer singh and this shall mark their fourth collaboration together.