Reportedly bollywood actress bhumi pednekar says she has loved being by herself and has focussed on things that make her happy amid the pandemic. "One thing that I have learnt about myself is that I love isolation. I have loved being by myself. I saw a lot of people complaining that they are bored at home or that they cannot go out. I am an extrovert, I am a very social person but this quarantine has led me to realise that I do prefer my isolation over meeting people because I haven't really been in touch with people," Bhumi said. She added: "I have kind of been catching up on reading, not seen much television but started watching shows. I have spent a lot of time with my mom, and honestly there were days when I did nothing."


Bhumi says self-love is key to happiness and she has prioritised herself in this lockdown. "I have kind of prioritised what I feel is important in life. I have re-educated myself. But the biggest learning has been that I love being alone. And maybe I have kind of enjoyed this state because as actors you are constantly surrounded by people whether you are promoting or shooting a film."She said that her immediate entourage is also a team of quite a few people. "You are constantly over the phone, you are constantly over social media," she added.


kangana Ranaut's social media team has shared a picture of a doll designed after the actress' character in the 2019 film, Manikarnika: The queen Of Jhansi. The manikarnika doll is dressed up in a saree and traditional indian jewellery inspired by Kangana's look in the film. Sharing the photo on social media, the actress' team wrote: "#Manikarnika Dolls are the new favourite for children. It's nice when kids will learn about our heroes growing up and get inspired with patriotism and bravery." Manikarnika: The queen Of jhansi released on january 25 last year. kangana played the title role and the film also marked her debut as a director. kangana has also named her production house manikarnika films after her directorial debut film. On the professional front, kangana ranaut is gearing up for her next release Thalaivi. The 33-year-old actor will be essaying the role of jayalalithaa in the flick. The 'Tanu weds Manu' actor is currently in her hometown manali and is practising self-isolation. 

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