According to sources wishes poured in for bhumi pednekar on saturday as the actress celebrates her 31st birthday from industry colleagues, friends and fans. anushka sharma shared on her verified instagram story: "Happy Birthday Bhumi! Here to a blessed life, joy, love and happiness. taapsee pannu wrote "Happy Birthday Bhumipednekar. Wishing you age long happiness, health and sexy abs."


ananya Panday shared: "Happy happiest to the coolest cat. Stay crazy beautiful lovely always! I have so much love for you Bhumsss!" Meanwhile Bhumi shared a note of gratitude on her verified instagram account, along with a photo where she is seen grabbing a bite from her birthday cake.


"As I turn a year older, all I can think of is how fortunate and grateful I am. To be surrounded by such love and support. To have such incredible people in my life. To be able to follow my passion and have a job that I love. To have the love the audiences give me. To be able to give back and work towards making this world a better place. To have means to protect the ones I love. I am so grateful for everything. With everything happening around us, am so so overwhelmed by the love that everyone has shown. Thank you so much. #gratitude Thankyou," shared the birthday girl.

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