Mega prince Varun Tej, after starting his career with promising and established makers like srikanth Addala (Mukunda), puri Jagannath (Loafer), and krish (the critically acclaimed, national award-winning Kanche), Srinu Vytla (Mister) couldn't quite make it big at the box office despite big production houses. 'F2' and 'Gadalakonda Ganesh' are multi-starrer projects.
disha patani who is flying high with some big projects under her belt has now signed the biggest movie of her whole career. The actress who recently signed India's costliest movie, 'Sangamitra' by replacing shruti haasan has signed another new project which would elevate her to the next level.
Now, there are speculations that disha patani and varun Tej might come together once again for a commercial mass masala under a reputed banner. We will get more updates once the Corona pandemic gets faded away.