Tara Alisha the 100% Love actress of Tollywood is seen nowhere from past few years after movie release and she did not even try to enter films waiting for a perfect one. Finally she is seen in Mastram movie which is also called as a porn film.  Movie is completely based on sex and sex stories which need Tara alisha to expose more and do some real hot intimate scenes on screen. Making a debut with a porn tagline in Bollywood is this good and do you think this will work is the only question asked by media to Tara. And she replies "Before reading the script, I really didn’t know who Mastram was, but after I read the script I found out that he is very famous in India, especially in the North. The film is set in the ’80s and it is the story of a writer who wants to write a novel, but actually produces a porn novel. I am playing the wife of the writer in the film. It is a very strong character and after reading the script I just fell in love with the character and I said yes." 

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