Poonam Pandey is known for her antics on twitter where she posts titillating photographs of herself leaving her male followers lusting for more.She practiced to use all the important occasions to get free publicity.With FIFA season around the corner the Bollywood sex idol didn’t want to miss this opportunity come into limelight.
Poonam Pandey has made a video of herself dancing in a two-piece bikini and a sarong to cheer for her favorite football team in the on-going FIFA World Cup.She is dancing and swaying her bottom to the music as she is cheering for her favourite football team.
Poonam's debut movie Nasha, did not do very well at the box office despite being heavily publicized by her gimmicks as well as bordering-on-porn posters.Poonam Pandey always stays in the news for this type of erotic acts .Her desperate exposing of her shameless body angles always remain mouthwatering sins to the hungry male community.
As if the temperature was not already high enough due to the FIFA fever and the simmering summer, Poonam's sexy dance will ensure that the temperatures soar to new heights.
Have a look on Poonam video in below link
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