The Theatrical Trailer of Naga Chaitanya’s Oka Laila Kosam was released on Tuesday. Besides the usual observations from a film trailer, one can clearly notice that there is a clear change in Naga Chaitanya’s facial expressions. Earlier his face used to be slightly deformed near the jaw which used to appear awkward when he was speaking. But it did not look like that in this trailer.
Some people say it is certain that the actor underwent a cosmetic surgery to correct the deformity. While some others say it need not be a surgery, a talented cinematographer can cleverly cover it using camera technique. Anyways it will be a really add-on to Naga Chaitanya if he appears like that in the film. The film suggests that it is a serene RomCom from Konda Vijaya Kumar like his debut film, Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindhe.
It looks promising at least for the A class audience. The movie is being planned for September 5th release. Pooja Hegde is making her Telugu debut with this movie. Nagarjuna himself is producing the film under his Annapurna Studios Banner. PS Vinod will be cranking the camera and Anup Rubens will be scoring the music for this prestigious project.
'Oka Laila Kosam' is the song in ANR's 1983 film, Ramudu Kaadhu Krishnudu and this project is titled after that chart buster song. Naga Chaitanya had pinned high hopes on this film to propel in to the big league.
The Theatrical Trailer of Naga Chaitanya’s Oka Laila Kosam was released on Tuesday. Besides the usual observations from a film trailer, one can clearly notice that there is a clear change in Naga Chaitanya’s facial expressions. Earlier his face used to be slightly deformed near the jaw which used to appear awkward when he was speaking. But it did not look like that in this trailer.
Some people say it is certain that the actor underwent a cosmetic surgery to correct the deformity. While some others say it need not be a surgery, a talented cinematographer can cleverly cover it using camera technique. Anyways it will be a really add-on to Naga Chaitanya if he appears like that in the film. The film suggests that it is a serene RomCom from Konda Vijaya Kumar like his debut film, Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindhe.
It looks promising at least for the A class audience. The movie is being planned for September 5th release. Pooja Hegde is making her Telugu debut with this movie. Nagarjuna himself is producing the film under his Annapurna Studios Banner. PS Vinod will be cranking the camera and Anup Rubens will be scoring the music for this prestigious project.
'Oka Laila Kosam' is the song in ANR's 1983 film, Ramudu Kaadhu Krishnudu and this project is titled after that chart buster song. Naga Chaitanya had pinned high hopes on this film to propel in to the big league.